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Plating Process
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IT is a technique using a rotating container. As a result, many items are simultaneously plating while it spins. Dipping the parts in a number of different chemical tanks during the plating process prepares them for a nice, clean, even finish. At this time, metal ions in the electroplating solution attach themselves to the treated surfaces of the workload. Like other methods of metal plating, barrel plating provides the following functions:

  • For corrosion resistance.
  • For decorative purposes.
  • For engineering finishes which protect from wear and tear.

Furthermore, barrel plating was developed in the post-Civil War era. During this period, equipment is made from wooden barrels or kegs. The use of wooden equipment was likely implemented due to the materials availability and cost effectiveness (modern barrel plating processes would not be developed until the twentieth century). Today, equipment is composed of non-conductive and chemically inert materials. As a result, it can be submerged in a number of alkaline and acidic solutions.

In combination with higher levels of efficiency, there several other advantages to using this method of plating for example:

  1. Large, rapid volume production in comparison to rack plating.
  2. Barrel plating requires less floor space and lower equipment investments.
  3. We use less labor compared to the rack plating process.
  4. The entire plating process is taken care of inside of the barrel or vessel.
  5. Barrel plating is versatile: Plating several different objects at the same time is easy.
  6. The cascading motion of barrel plating can produce a more uniform metal finish.
  7. Agitation of the tank’s solutions eliminate stratification and produces a homogeneous bath.

In conclusion at American Plating Company, (located in St. Louis, Missouri) we offer both rack and barrel plating. For a price estimate call American Plating Company at (314) 776-0542 or e-mail us through our Contact page.

Plating available in goldtinsilverbrassnickel and copper.

Singleton, Raymund. “Barrel Plating.” Metal Finishing 97.1 (1999): 346-67. Web. 26 July 2015.



  • Length
  • Width
  • Thickness

Rack plating helps with complex electroplating jobs or delicate workloads that are incompatible with the barrel plating method. During this procedure, mounting objects on fixtures, or “racks”, and lowering them into a solution gives them even exposure to a plating current. Parts suited for the plating rack’s design must be taken into consideration.

Length – This dimension is the distance from the cathode bar to the bottom of the rack. Correct length is essential for a more uniformed finish and although each plating project is different, the rack should be several inches above the bottom of the tank while objects being plated should be held at least two inches below the tank’s surface.

Width – This dimension will vary considerably, but is also important. Improper width may damage a rack due to automation jams and slow production.

Thickness – This dimension is important because there must be enough room between the anodes for the holding of parts. In addition, for manual racks, thickness will affect an employee’s ability to move racks from tank to tank.

As stated above, rack plating can be an effective method for electroplating large or complex objects that may not fit or tumble well with a barrel plating workload. In addition, is very unlikely for damage to occur during the process, so fragile objects are also a great candidate for rack plating. However, it is important to note that rack plating is a more labor intensive procedure which typically costs more money. In addition, due to variable currents within a plate bath, uniformity of the plate layer is harder to achieve.

If you are unsure of which plating method is best for you, give us a call at (314) 776-0542 and our metal plating professionals will be happy to provide you with advice.

Heimke, Steen. “Fundamentals of Plating Rack Design.” Metal Finishing 105.10 (2007): 614-23. Web. 4 Aug. 2015.